Locked Out

The craziest thing happened to me this afternoon - you probably won't believe this, but my dog locked me out of the house! I was getting ready to take her swimming in the pool out back and went outside through the back door to bring some stuff outside and I shut the door behind me (it's a sliding glass door.) So, Maggie is a black lab and gets really excited when she's about to go swimming, especially when she sees me go out near the pool. She jumps up against the door waiting for me to come back. This time she must've hit the latch with her paw, cause when I came back the door wouldn't open. Of course, my parents were gone all day not to return until midnight and my brother, who is the only other person that has a key to the house, is in Germany. And I'm puppy-sitting for his adorable Yorkies. So, I'm locked out of the house, and everyone who is in the house is a dog of some sort and can't let me in. Had to fork over $80 for a locksmith! He got me back in through the garage, and sure enough, the back door was locked! There is no lock from the outside on that door, so there is no way that I could've locked it after I went out. So Maggie really must've locked me out. Maybe she was trying to tell me something??
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