Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Packing rather than blogging

Sorry, everyone, for the lack of blogging! I'm actually getting ready to move down to Florida on September 1st, so I've been pretty busy packing up my stuff. It's going really slowly - need more boxes! I finally got my first job *in my field* (yay)! - I'll be playing 2nd flute and piccolo with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra (OPO from here on). I'm SUPER excited! It's been great living at home with mom and dad (who are super supportive) these past 8 months, but it will be great to be in my own apartment with all of my own stuff and my own mess. Granted, I really don't have anything in the way of furniture, so it may just be me and a mattress for a while (NOT how it sounds! ;)

I have managed to make a bit of progress on the Rock Bottom Jaywalkers - still on sock #1, but am about halfway done with the foot, so not too much left to go. It's going to be a struggle getting them done in time for Stephanie's birthday, which I think is the 26th - so I'm just aiming to get them done before I move so I can present them to her in person and see for myself whether they fit her feet. I'll try to post some progress pictures tomorrow. Right now I need to get to bed - staying up WAY too late these days (last night it was almost 2:30)! Sleepys.......


Blogger Lynn said...

YOu will be heading down my way! and you are timing it perfectly to avoid Ernesto! Glad you knit socks, we get cool weather here but small knitted items are used much more often than the wool sweaters!

8/30/2006 3:00 PM  

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