Friday, January 19, 2007

I have rejoined the knitting world

Know how life gets kind of crazy sometimes and you get really, really behind in everything and then you finally have a window of opportunity to catch up a little bit? That's where I'm at right now. I went to NY for the holidays to visit my parents and began the trip by throwing up at the airport. Fun stuff. So, I was sick for week 1 of vacation (Christmas). Week 2 I had free the whole week. Yay! Reunited with boyfriend, sleeping in.....nope, wrong. Day 2 I get a phone call to see if I could drive down to Miami to play in the New World Symphony since one of their flutists sliced their finger cutting an advocado. I drove to Miami Beach for the week and- the best part- BF came with me! Great excuse for a vacation, well, sort of a vacation since I was still working. We had a great time, though. So we came back to Orlando Sunday night, after 5 days in Miami, and I had the next 2 days off before driving back and forth to Tampa for 6 days to play with The Florida Orchesrea, which was a lot of fun. So, I ended up spending my entire vacation working. That's good, though, for the money and also the connections with more people down here who are hearing me play and hiring me for work.

In fact, I just got called yesterday to take a temporary job teaching flute at a local college. The flute teacher had a baby and they need to replace her for the semester, and a violinist I work with recommended me, and that was it. I start teaching next week, and they help with gas money, too. I'm really excited about it.

In the meantime, I have actually managed to get some knitting done. Dad wants a hat to go with the scarf I knit him last year. He decided he wants a brioche stitch hat....knit in the round..... okay, never done it before, but I love learning new techiques and stitch patterns. I'm not afraid to try anything (at least when it comes to knitting.) Let me tell you - this hat was nuts. I just could not figure it out, and I couldn't figure out where it was I was going wrong. I must have frogged 20 times. I could get it to look great on one side, but brioche stitch is supposed to be reversible, and my hat was definitely not reversible. Finally I figured it was the way I make my knit stitches - which was always through the back loop, since that's how my mom taught me. I didn't realize that most people knit through the front loop until last summer. Anyway, so I tried making my knit stitches through the front loop instead, and - what do you know - I now have 9 inches of a reversible brioche stitch hat knit in the round. Of course I ran out of the green yarn and I'm only about to start the decreases. I was hoping to only need the leftover yarn from his scarf and not have to buy more. Oh well. Until I can get to the store to buy more yarn I will have to pick up another UFO to work on. I'll keep you posted.


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